Given this spring's prolonged leaf-out window, it is likely that there will also be a wide window in the timing of hull split and a need for two shakes in some varieties. Ethephon is a commonly used tool for advancing hull split and harvest-readiness in walnuts. Remember that there are two potential timings of ethephon, based on different goals.
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Irrigation Evapotranspiration (ET) Report for Tehama, Butte and Colusa county CIMIS stations.
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Irrigation Evapotranspiration (ET) Report for the Woodland, Davis, Dixon, and Verona CIMIS stations.
Growers and processors have reported elevated mold levels in harvested walnuts to farm advisors and Dr. Themis Michailides, UC Davis Plant Pathologist. Although all possible predisposing factors have not yet been investigated, conditions that compromise the integrity of the hull, such as walnut blight, sunburn or insect-damage can serve as an entry point for mold fungi.
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With a record statewide crop to be shaken, swept, and collected starting in August, will you and your handler be prepared? Research by Bruce Lampinen (UCCE Specialist, UC Davis) and others has shown that properly dried nuts are the key to maintaining quality and grower returns during stockpiling.
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Cultivars & Rootstocks, Diseases - Foliar, Diseases - Trunk & Soil Borne, Horticulture, ishadow, Irrigation, Pollination, shadowsock如何使用, Weed Control, Year-Round Management
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Cost and Expense Considerations in a Lean Price Year, shadowdersocks下载, Flood Damage, Horticulture, Insects & Mites, Irrigation, Walnut Orchard Development, shadowsock如何使用, Year-Round Management
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